Source code for aiogibson.parser

"""The ``Reader`` class has two methods that are used when parsing replies
from a stream of data. Reader.feed takes a string argument that is appended to
the internal buffer. ``Reader``.gets reads this buffer and returns a reply
when the buffer contains a full reply. If a single call to feed contains
multiple replies, gets should be called multiple times to extract all replies.

>>> reader = aiogibson.Reader()
>>> reader.feed(b'\\x06\\x00\\x05\\x03\\x00\\x00\\x00bar')
>>> reader.gets()

When the buffer does not contain a full reply, gets returns False.
This means extra data is needed and feed should be called again before
calling gets again:

>>> reader.feed(b'\x06\x00\x05')
>>> reader.gets()
>>> reader.feed(b'\\x03\\x00\\x00\\x00bar')
>>> reader.gets()

:note: api same as in *hiredis*.

This module has ``encode_command``, packs *gibson* command to binary format
suitable to send over socket to *gibson* server:

>>> encode_command(b'set', 3600, 'foo', 3.14)
b'\\x0f\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x003600 foo 3.14'
import struct
from . import consts
from . import errors

__all__ = ['encode_command', 'Reader']

[docs]class Reader(object): """This class is responsible for parsing replies from the stream of data that is read from a *Gibson* connection. It does not contain functionality to handle I/O """ def __init__(self): self._buffer = bytearray() self._payload = bytearray() self._is_header = False self._is_payload = False self._resp_size = None self._gb_encoding = None self._code = None
[docs] def feed(self, data): """Put raw chunk of data obtained from connection to buffer. :param data: ``bytes``, raw input data. """ if not data: return self._buffer.extend(data)
[docs] def gets(self): """When the buffer does not contain a full reply, gets returns False. This means extra data is needed and feed should be called again before calling gets again: :return: ``False`` there is no full reply or parsed obj. """ if not self._is_header and len(self._buffer) >= consts.HEADER_SIZE: reply = self._buffer[:consts.HEADER_SIZE] unpacked = struct.unpack(b'<HBI', reply) self._code, self._gb_encoding, self._resp_size = unpacked self._is_header = True if (self._is_header and not self._is_payload and (len(self._buffer) >= self._resp_size + consts.HEADER_SIZE)): start = consts.HEADER_SIZE end = consts.HEADER_SIZE + self._resp_size data = self._buffer[start:end] self._payload.extend(data) self._is_payload = True if self._is_header and self._is_payload: values = self._parse_replay() self._reset() return values return False
def _parse_replay(self): if self._code == consts.REPL_ERR: return errors.GibsonServerError() elif self._code == consts.REPL_OK: return True elif self._code == consts.REPL_ERR_NOT_FOUND: return None elif self._code == consts.REPL_ERR_NAN: return errors.ExpectedANumber() elif self._code == consts.REPL_ERR_MEM: return errors.MemoryLimitError() elif self._code == consts.REPL_ERR_LOCKED: return errors.KeyLockedError() elif self._code == consts.REPL_VAL: return self._parse_value(self._payload, self._gb_encoding) elif self._code == consts.REPL_KVAL: return self._parse_kv(self._payload) else: raise errors.ProtocolError() def _parse_kv(self, data): # parse key/value replay from Gibson server pairs_num = struct.unpack('I', data[:consts.REPL_SIZE])[0] result = [] offset = consts.REPL_SIZE for i in range(pairs_num): # unpack key size key_size = \ struct.unpack('I', data[offset: offset + consts.REPL_SIZE])[0] offset += consts.REPL_SIZE # unpack key key = bytes(data[offset: offset + key_size]) result.append(key) offset += key_size # unpack value encoding value_gb_encoding = struct.unpack('B', data[offset: offset + 1])[0] offset += 1 # unpack value size value_size = \ struct.unpack('I', data[offset: offset + consts.REPL_SIZE])[0] offset += consts.REPL_SIZE # unpack value value = self._parse_value(data[offset: offset + value_size], value_gb_encoding) result.append(value) offset += value_size return result def _parse_value(self, data, encoding): # parse simple value replay from Gibson server. # apply gibson encoding if needed if encoding == consts.GB_ENC_NUMBER: return struct.unpack('q', data)[0] elif encoding == consts.GB_ENC_PLAIN: return bytes(data) else: raise errors.ProtocolError() def _reset(self): # replay parsed, buffer should be prepared for next server # reply self._buffer = self._buffer[consts.HEADER_SIZE + self._resp_size:] self._payload = bytearray() self._is_header = False self._is_payload = False self._resp_size = None self._gb_encoding = None self._code = None
_converters = { bytes: lambda val: val, bytearray: lambda val: val, str: lambda val: val.encode('utf-8'), int: lambda val: str(val).encode('utf-8'), float: lambda val: str(val).encode('utf-8'), }
[docs]def encode_command(command, *args): """Pack and encode *gibson* command according to gibson binary protocol :see: :param command: ``bytes``, gibson command (get, set, etc.) :param args: required arguments for given command. :return: ``bytes`` packed and encoded command. """ _args = [] for arg in args: if type(arg) in _converters: _args.append(_converters[type(arg)](arg)) else: raise TypeError("Argument {!r} expected to be of bytes," " str, int or float type".format(arg)) op_code = consts.command_map[command] query = b' '.join(_args) fmt = '<IH{}s'.format(len(query)) data = struct.pack(fmt, consts.OP_CODE_SIZE + len(query), op_code, query) return data